Wine in a Box!?  

Sunday, August 13, 2006

We've all seen them in the grocery store, boxed wine! If you're an enthusiast, you often shake your head and walk on by. Well, today, Laura and I decided to see what the fuss was all about.

Black Box Wines is the equivalent of 4 bottles of wine sealed in a plastic, air tight bag packed inside, what else, a black box. The company claims it will hold for up to four weeks in the fridge.

We picked up the chardonnay for $18.99 at the local Safeway Supermarket. We served it up with steamed crab legs and fresh, local Washington sweet corn. We both decided the wine wasn't quite buttery enough to go with our dinner. That could be a good or bad thing, depending on what you're doing with the wine. It is slightly oaked without being over the top, balanced with a fruitiness suitable for sipping on it's own. We think this one is best served chilled.

We would say this one is worth having on hand if you are having a large group over and wine isn't a major focus of the gathering. As for the longevity claim, we have it in our fridge, we'll let you know how it holds up.


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