
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Welcome to Simply Wine!

On our travel journal, The Bag-It-Tour, we often comment on wines we try or vineyards we visit. These entries always seem to generate the most comments, questions and e-mails. People want to know; Where did you get it; How much did you pay for it; Was it good; What would you pair it with; What would serve with....

You get the idea. For a large amount of people, wine is a mystery. Wine Shops and restaurants often add to the mystery, or, what we like to call the snob factor. Some sommeliers (that's the wine "expert" in the store, from here on out to be referred to as "Cork Dorks"!) like to throw out wine regions, growing conditions, the weather the morning the grapes were picked, what school the winemaker went to, soil conditions. The winemakers mothers maiden name etc..... It all comes down to one thing.

What taste good to you?

Because taste is subjective, our goal is simple. To tell you, our reader's, what we think are the good from the bad wines and keep them all under $20! Experimenting in this price range should be all about fun, but where do you start? We'll try to explain it in simple terms, suggest what to pair wine with and even give you some of our favorite recipes along the way.

Wine & food should be an adventure! Hopefully we can provide you with some direction to start your own journey!

-Rich & Laura-

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